Turbofans are destined to achieve a pressure rise by
adding kinetic energy to a continuous flow of fluid through the rotor or
impeller. This kinetic energy is then converted to an increase in potential
energy by slowing the flow through a diffuser. The pressure rise in the
impeller is in most cases almost equal to the rise in the diffuser section.
STRANICH concept: Stranich has
developed a new “turbofan”, which has a unique impeller design with a diameter
of up to 2000 mm. It obtains speeds of 3000 rpm plus, avoiding turbulences and
mechanical losses, while handling a static differential pressure of over
100mbar@80°C. By limiting the rotational speed, we allow for 15% energy savings
in comparison with existing products in the market. Yet we still maintain the
pressure required (over 15,000 Pa).
The very core of our solution lies in assessing an alternative design for one of the
key components of the turbofan, the impeller. It consists of
a new cylindrical in-let with improved centrifugal channels. This innovative
design differs from current canonical centrifugal ones, allowing the flow to go
through the impeller free of
turbulences, thus
improving aerodynamic efficiency and reducing mechanical loses
. In this
way, we have prototyped and tested a new “turbofan” which has a
diameter up to 1600 mm but also, a new structure design to obtain a speed of
3000 rpm or more, handling a static differential pressure over 100mbar @80°C. We will
consistently reduce the absorbed power resulting in a decrease of energy
consumption up to 15% more than the existing competitors in the market for
similar applications.
A first prototype has been tested with positive
result. The total efficiency achieved, in fact, is around 85 %.